Saturday, March 8, 2008

One year already...

That's it, I have celebrated my one year anniversary in NY last December.
I am already in my second year.
On 17th December 2006 I was moving to Manhattan, and a new adventure was starting. It was amazing and tough but also a bit chaotic at the beginning. What a journey!
I won't bore you and sum up the whole year, so I leave you some photos to look at instead.

The working world!... And the encounter of the cubicle -office, the feeling of being Melanie Griffith in Working Girl (without the shoulder pads!!)

A few weeks later, less grey...

Winter, the snow, Central Park, the cold, the cold, and did I mention it gets cold, very cold and for a few months. No need to have a sping wardrobe, you go from winter to summer in just a few days!

But summer lasts about 6 months, and the sun shines most days and therefore you just don't complain... In fact you do because it is unbearably hot in August and next year you will buy more sandals, oh and also because of the humidity! Well you start to love AC, like every American!

NY it is also...


And some billboards

NY, or I should says Manhattan, an island of 59 km2 and 1,537,195 people

New York it is all this and many other things, I will post more photos soon!

According to E.B.White, there are three New York; the first one, the one of the man or woman born here. They take the city as it is for what it is, and accept its size and its noise as a normal and inevitable thing
Then there is the one of the suburbian, he works in NY but that's it, he leaves it every evening. And finally there is the NY of the emigrant who comes searching for something.
Three cities, the best one being the last one, where passion and purpose meet.

What about you are you tempted?


Anonymous said...

I am ready to come, NOW!!

Haiku Ambulance said...

And then there's the New York of Midwestern 20 something year olds and suburban kids like me (I'm from CT). The kind that idealize it and need to live there a couple years after college. The New York of Goodbye To All That by Joan Didion.

Terren said...

i've been hoping to move to ny one day and my wish is when i finally do, i'll be #3. :]