Thursday, December 13, 2007

And what about you?

This week end I saw this article in a US magazine and I asked myself the same question.

"What would you be if you were not what you are?" Yes what would I do if I wasn't in my current job? Hmmm... Deep thinking... Yes I am frowning...

I have to look for the celebrities' answers to find some inspiration and I end up a little bit disappointed.

The only few I find amusing are, first of all, Sir Paul McCartney as an English teacher. I would have been at his class every day!! Then there is Courtney Love as a designer, help us!! I think fate did a good deed, I love Hole but I can't stand her outfits!
And the winner is... Karl! Ah Karl! He always has the right answer, he was born to be who he is, Karl! Such an evidence! What did you expect, that he was going to say he wanted to have his own bakery?

What about you, what would you be if you were not what you are?

PS: next week I will ask you another deep question (seen on a mug) "How old would you be if you did not know how old you are?" No? Ok I won't!

1 comment:

Sofia & Flo said...

Dear Candid, ah regrets, don't worry though if it is meant to be it will come around again