Sunday, December 2, 2007

My pleated kingdom!!

Some mornings, I get up and already I am annoyed...
Those days I always take a walk at lunch time, and wander in the 5th Avenue shops.

Friday lunch time, I decide to go to my Swedish friend. And there, in 5 secondes, my mood changed as I met a little kingdom of pleats. I smiled and I left with a new dress, the same one I missed in a cream colour this summer and that our nice Swedish friend has decided to redo in different colour. I let you decide if you like it or not...

Have a look at the "fitting room" shot...

This morning I tried it on to make sure I still liked it -yes because sometimes a dress that I thought was perfect suddenly turns out horrible in front of my mirror. Don't ask me why or how, I still can't explain that phenomena, even though it happens a lot to me!!
Here is the object of my affliction (and I just couldn't wait for the -25% in HM to buy it!!)

After the more casual version with the boots, here is a more evening dressy proposal with patent pumps and a patent clutch (sorry the flash makes the dress much lighter than what it is)...

And now all I need is a big long necklace like this one...

The dress comes in aubergine but also in yellow and green. I went for the aubergine. But I know from a reliable source it will come out in black (my source, the French Glamour, December issue), so I will hunt for it as I really want that one!!
Yes indeed I am not sure about the aubergine. Always a doubt!!

So I guess that's all for today, let me know what you think!

PS: if you see a 34 in black, grab it for me!!i


Sofia & Flo said...

Thanks Candid cool!! :))

Diana @ So Fash'on said...

looooooove pleats too!

Q said...

The pleated dress is absolutely amazing for this winter! I love the shapelessness, I'm looking for one similar to it. Time to prowl around H&M pour moi.

Sofia & Flo said...

Diana@sofash'on, thanks! I love them too!!

Q, wishing you luck, hope you use the friends & family discount too!!

Malin said...

I think that dress looks nice on you

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled across your blog and I love it so much!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I also have the same camera- I think! :) I was just in H&M in January and would up buying so many things. You can always find something to boost your mood there.