Thursday, October 4, 2007

1... 2... 3... 4...

Tell me that you love me more"

What were you doing on 4th October 2003? Do you remember?

On 4th October I said "Yes" to my favourite Scot, and 4 years later, all I want to do is to to go back to that day and to remember this amazing journey, all the emotions, the shared happiness, the Divine Idylle...

So today I spent my day dreaming (ok and I did work too!!) because 4th October is a very special day, it is not just like everyday...


Anonymous said...

Pour mon marriage, j'avais une robe vanessa bruno, une coupe à la louise brooks...le tout sous une chaleure toride! à Montmartre. Elles sont bien tes photos!

Sofia & Flo said...

Oh j'aimerais bien voir tes photos, a quand sur ton blog?